Daniella Cohen
College: Timothy Dwight
Class: 2020 Hometown: Boca Raton, FL Voice Part: Soprano |
Daniella joined Magevet as a post–gap-year freshman, which, fun fact, meant that she came in older and definitely more worldly than all of the group’s sophomores. While at Yale, she lives in the far-off, mystical land known as “TD,” a college which even the Sillimanders, who are rumored to live right across the street from it, occasionally have trouble finding. Daniella’s true home, however, is Bokertone, Florida (or “Boca Raton,” if you’re fancy). Known to frequently lift 180 pound men as easily as if they were toddlers, Daniella is the ultimate health nut. Don’t be fooled by her short stature; she regularly beasts it out in the gym with Kanye’s “I Am a God” blasting through her earphones. Daniella’s most common – dare I say, only – complaint over her first winter tour was that there wasn’t enough time to work out and she “really needed to do some squats.” She loves açaí bowls (it’s pronounced “ah-sah-ee”), and she lives for some Halo Top (the brand markets itself as “healthy ice cream” – can you say high-protein??!). Ever since she peaced out of the (admittedly quite boring) Directed Studies program freshman year, Daniella has been following her dreams of becoming an English major, or maybe a bodybuilder? It’s unclear; you’ll have to ask her yourself, should you be lucky enough to meet her.